Friday, January 4, 2008

whew---the holidays are over

well it's officially 2008 now. i have no idea where 2007 went. it certainly was a bad year in many respects with the loss of dad and a couple more of the family. but life must go on even though sadness clouds our thinking sometimes.
i was looking for a little something to play with and came upon a deal on an old ranger. i did a little fiddling and tweaking and painting and now it doesn't look that bad and should do ok at the auction. i might even make a few bux to reinvest in my torrid car passion. i am going to put up a before and after pic so everyone can see the difference.
not much other news here for now. we had a wonderful holiday season and we're looking forward to spring and summer as we sit here in the house and look out at the cold weather.
we have faster internet now so maybe i will be able to post more often on here if anyone ever really looks at my pictures of my madness. and so it goes

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