Tuesday, October 7, 2008

my next project

since i have my ford done and back on the road i have a little spare time so i thought i'd start another major project. with the help of my best friend we located and purchased a 1963
chevy 2 door. the car is really solid but needs the usual things that a 45 year old car does. the plan is to take the body off the frame and give it a total redo. so far i have pretty much stripped it and have rolled the frame out for cleaning and paint. there's a lot yet to do for this winter but it sure beats sitting in the house when it's cold. i have a wood stove in the shop and it is well insulated so staying warm while i work shouldn't be a problem. i hope to have it all back together and ready for the cruises by late march or early april. this is an ambitious goal but if things fall right i should be able to attain it. i will try to update the blog as often as i get time so keep an eye on this spot. until next time

Saturday, September 6, 2008

phase two is complete

well i finally finished phase two of the 54 ford project. it took me seven weeks in all but the final result was well worth the effort. so far i have only had time to drive it short distances but it sure does ride and drive nice. the power disc brakes from the donor truck stops it on a dime and the pedal has a nice solid feel to it. i'm thinking it will see a lot of road miles next year.
i will probably embark on phase three of the project sometime this winter. the next session will include another repaint and some more surprises i'm sure.
until next time------

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

tons of work

after taking the subframe in and out 6 times for trimming i finally got the fit i was looking for. after double and triple checking my measurements i started the welding process. i spent a lot of time and a bunch of welding rods making sure this thing was secured to the old frame properly and there would be no structural problems down the road. now it was time to put some wheels on it and get it back on the floor. the new section looks like it grew there and i am very happy with the results. today i put one fender on to make sure all my clearances were correct. now it is time to hook everything back up and do all the little things needed to finish the job. finished pictures will come later.

installing the new subframe

after stripping the donor truck to the bare frame i cut the front section of the frame off and allowed some extra length for trimming later. then came the part i dreaded most--cutting the old frame off the ford. once i did this there was no turning back. i took a deep breath and broke out the sawzall. now it was time for a test fit with the new section. i could tell at this point that i had to do a lot of trimming to make this new frame section look like it was supposed to be there.

suspension update

i didn't have any older pictures of the ford on the computer so i'll start with a picture of the truck i used for my upgraded suspension. by using the front frame clip off this old ragged truck i will gain modern suspension geometry, power disc brakes and power steering. doing it this way is not for the faint of heart because of all the fabrication and welding that will be required. it will be well worth it though because i will be getting everything i was after with a budget build cost.

been away too long

wow--i can't believe its been 6 months since i posted on here. we have had a great summer so far and have been to several car shows. we even won a couple of trophies and saw a bunch of great cars. after driving the 54 ford a good bit this year i realized it left a lot to be desired in the suspension and driveability. with this in mind i embarked on a major rebuild of the suspension and updated it accordingly.i will start with a picture of it like it was and then follow with pictures of different stages of the of the teardown and rebuild.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

mid february thoughts

in just a few days it will be the first anniversary of my dad's passing. even though i know he is in a better place i still miss him badly. this post will be in his honor.
with all the weird weather we have had this year i believe the winter blahs and cabin fever have taken their toll. i am definitely ready for warmer weather and a little sunshine would be good too. it is really depressing to sit here in the house every day and not be outside.
on the bright side it will be just a few more weeks till the spring car show season starts and we will be able to get the cars out and drive them and show them off. i'm chomping at the bit to get started.
you just never know when another project will find its way to my shop. as always i will take in strays and orphans and work them over.
and so it goes

Friday, January 4, 2008

whew---the holidays are over

well it's officially 2008 now. i have no idea where 2007 went. it certainly was a bad year in many respects with the loss of dad and a couple more of the family. but life must go on even though sadness clouds our thinking sometimes.
i was looking for a little something to play with and came upon a deal on an old ranger. i did a little fiddling and tweaking and painting and now it doesn't look that bad and should do ok at the auction. i might even make a few bux to reinvest in my torrid car passion. i am going to put up a before and after pic so everyone can see the difference.
not much other news here for now. we had a wonderful holiday season and we're looking forward to spring and summer as we sit here in the house and look out at the cold weather.
we have faster internet now so maybe i will be able to post more often on here if anyone ever really looks at my pictures of my madness. and so it goes